Icono del sitio J. Alberto Conejero

ICIAM 2019, València

I have taken part in the ICIAM conference held in València. I have been involved as a member of the local committee, and also as a coorganizer of a minisymposia on Dynamical systems with applications to science and engineering. I have also delivered a talk entitled «Dynamics of the data dissemination in 5G opportunistic networks», of a joint collaboration with the Grupo de Redes de Computadores (GRC) of the UPV.

Delivering the talk: Dynamics of the data dissemination in 5G opportunistic networks» at ICIAM 2019.

I have also had the opportunity of publishing and outreach article on Mathematical Modelling in Energy Efficiency Problems, jointly with P. Fernández de Córdoba, in the Intelligencer delivered to all participants.

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