17.3 C
miércoles, marzo 12, 2025

Invited speaker at XIV GAFEVOL (in honour of Prof. Lizama)

I have been invited as a speaker at the XIV GAFEVOL Conference (Evolution Equations and Functional Analysis Group). This conference has been held virtually at Universidad de Santiago de Chile for celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Carlos Lizama. This was a great pleasure since I am really indebted to him for his advice and collaboration during the last years.

The link to the conference website is here https://sites.google.com/view/gafevol2021

I also share a link to the video of the session in which I participated:

I have collaborated with Carlos for the last 8 years, obtaining remarkable results in the dynamics of solution C0-semigroups associated with second-order PDE on certain spaces of analytic functions of slow growth. We have also worked on the modeling of the Lambert-Beer equation on cyanobacteria cultures, on the dynamics of discrete fractional equations, the well-posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay, and the solutions of water hammer equations. Here, you can find the list of our collaborations:

  1. J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, and F. Ródenas. Chaotic behaviour of the solutions of the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9, No. 5, 2233-2238 (2015). doi:10.12785/amis/090503
  2. J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, and F. Ródenas. Dynamics of the solutions of the water hammer equations. Topology Appl., 203, 67-83 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.topol.2015.12.076
  3. J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, and M. Murillo-Arcila. On the existence of chaos for the viscous van Wijngaarden-Eringen equation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 89, 100-104 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2015.10.009
  4. J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, M. Murillo-Arcila, and A. Peris. Linear dynamics of semigroups generated by differential operators. Open Math. 17, 745-767 (2017).  doi:10.1515/math-2017-0065
  5. J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, M. Murillo-Arcila. Chaotic semigroups from second order partial differential equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 456:1, 402-411 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2017.07.013–C. Rodero-Gómez, J.A. Conejero, and I. García-Fernández. Shock wave formation in compliant arteries
  6. D. Fuente, C. Lizama, J.F. Urchueguía, and J.A. Conejero. Estimation of the light field inside photosynthetic microorganism cultures through Mittag-Leffler functions at depleted light conditions. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 204, 23-26 (2018).  doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.08.012
  7. J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, M. Murillo-Arcila, and J.B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. Well posedness for abstract degenerate third order equations with infinite delay. Israel Math. J. 229:1, 219-254 (2019). doi:10.1007/s11856-018-1796-8
  8. J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, A. Mira-Iglesias, C. Rodero-Gómez. Visibility graphs of fractional Wu Baleanu time series. J. Differ. Eq. Appl. 25(9-10), 1321-1331 (2019). doi: 10.1080/10236198.2019.1619714



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