11.2 C
miércoles, enero 22, 2025

J. Alberto Conejero

I am interested in the mathematical modeling and data analysis of problems from any discipline, from physics or engineering, as well as from the social and life sciences. We find especially attractive those problems that allow them to be studied from the point of view of complex networks, graph theory, and applied mathematical analysis.

(1) Biomedical data science. I am currently collaborating with the BDSLab (ITACA) on the following topics: Glioblastoma Modelling, the Design of apps for collecting patient information to feed predictive models, and data quality of medical records repositories.

(2) Diffusion Processes and Fractional Calculus. I am interested in studying anomalous diffusion processes via machine learning. I am currently working on the regime change point detection of the process that involves. I am also interested in studying Fractional Calculus Modelling of such processes. I am collaborating with C. Lizama (GAFEVOL), M. Murillo-Arcila, and M.A. García March.

(3) Mathematical Modeling in Biology. I am working in plants with Diego Orzáez Lab (IBMCP) and at the cellular level with Guillermo Rodrigo (I2SysBio).

(4) Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Computing. I am analyzing the structure and behavior of optimization algorithms that, in their configuration, use tensor products and their connections with Quantum Computing. I collaborate with Antonio Falcó (ESI Chair at Universidad Cardenal Herrera).

(5) Data Science for Common and Social Good. I am a proud member of the Data Science against COVID-19 Task Force, led by Nuria Oliver (Ellis Alicante). We have specialized in outbreak modeling and predicting the evolution of COVID-19 pandemics via Recurrent Neural Networks.

(6) Complex Networks Modelling. I am interested in applications to any discipline in network communications, image processing, linguistics, and many more. I  am also working in data visualization of Science Maps in collaboration with E. Orduña and M. Rebollo.

(7) Modelling in Industrial Engineering. I work in signal processing for the detection of failures in electrical machines & energy efficiency problems with Jose A. Antonino (Instituto Tecnología Energética).

You can also check my publications at Publons, SCOPUSORCID, and ResearchGate.

I am a member of the following research networks:

  • CFUNSPOT Complex Variables, Function Spaces and Operators between them. (Miembro del Comité Científico)
  • DANCE-NET Dynamics, Attractors, Nonlinearity. Chaos & Stability.
  • FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS NETWORK  Red Española de Análisis Funcional.
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