LLM performance on mathematical reasoning in Catalan language
Artificial intelligence reveals unbalanced sustainability domains in funded research
RESPRO: Responsible leadership Developing people skills in project management education in European HEI’s
Decoding Anomalous Diffusion Using Higher-Order Spectral Analysis and Multiple Signal Classification
Network Medicine course at BIOCOM Master in ETSINF
Conference on Artificial Intelligence applications against COVID-19
Conference at Universidad Sergio Arboleda
i-Days 2021
Soft skills at ENHANCE GOES TO UPV
Invited speaker at XIV GAFEVOL (in honour of Prof. Lizama)
Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in hospitals and social health centres in Spain (ONLINE)
Best paper award on Applied Data Science at ECML-PKKD 2021
Dynamical Properties for a Unified Class of One-Dimensional Discrete Maps