LLM performance on mathematical reasoning in Catalan language
Artificial intelligence reveals unbalanced sustainability domains in funded research
RESPRO: Responsible leadership Developing people skills in project management education in European HEI’s
Decoding Anomalous Diffusion Using Higher-Order Spectral Analysis and Multiple Signal Classification
Fractional vs. ordinary control systems: What does the fractional derivative provide?
Two-dimensional compact-finite-difference schemes for solving the bi-Laplacian operator (Mathematics)
Invited speaker at XIV GAFEVOL (in honour of Prof. Lizama)
New editorial position in AIMS Mathematics
Rankings and Spotify
Special Issue «Mathematical and Computational Methods against the COVID-19 Pandemics» in Mathematics (Q1 in JCR)
Modelo matemático para evaluar el impacto energético de los recubrimientos GCover.
«Las Matemáticas suman en los Campus» – Entrevista en el diario Levante-EMV
Dynamical Properties for a Unified Class of One-Dimensional Discrete Maps