LLM performance on mathematical reasoning in Catalan language
Artificial intelligence reveals unbalanced sustainability domains in funded research
RESPRO: Responsible leadership Developing people skills in project management education in European HEI’s
Decoding Anomalous Diffusion Using Higher-Order Spectral Analysis and Multiple Signal Classification
Testing lung cancer patients’ and oncologists’ experience with the Lalaby App for monitoring the Quality of Life
Lalaby app: Phone sensors monitoring quality of life indicators for cancer patients
When Does Chaos Appear While Driving?
Fractional vs. ordinary control systems: What does the fractional derivative provide?
La iniciativa Valencia IA4COVID (Revista Índice)
Efficient RNN for anomalously diffusing single particle short and noisy trajectories (J. Phys. A Math. Theor.)
Objective comparison of methods to decode anomalous diffusion (Nature Communications)
Using ROC curves to evaluate a street lighting control system (IEEE Access)
Dynamical Properties for a Unified Class of One-Dimensional Discrete Maps