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domingo, mayo 19, 2024
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New editorial position in AIMS Mathematics

I have recently been elected as member of the Editorial Board of AIMS Mathematics. This is an international bimonthly publication devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, research articles in all major fields of mathematics. Its impact factor in 2019 is 0.882.

MsC in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

I recently obtained a Msc in Bioinformatics and Biostatitsics from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universitat de Barcelona. My capstone project was entitled «Machine learning methods for characterizing single-particle trajectories with anomalous diffusion» under the supervision of Ferran Reverter Comes.

Single-Particle Tracking (SPT) appears to be a potential approach to studying different dynamic processes in the life sciences with recent advances in light microscopy. The physics of life molecules has an inherent instability due to the heterogeneity of free energy states that different types of molecules can show, far from thermal equilibrium and ranging at different scales, from the nanoscale of a single molecule up to the cellular or even organism level. The classification of trajectories is a relevant topic, not only in the biological field at the molecular level but also at the level of animal and human behavior. Besides, this topic combines physical principles with some degree of uncertainty, which habilitates us for exploring the use of ML techniques.


Rankings and Spotify

I have recently presented a contribution in the with Francisco Pedroche on rankings. We have particularized to Spotify. While people around the world stopped, music didn’t: we have shown that during the worst months of the pandemic, the list of the Top-200 hits on Spotify, produced from the streams registered on the popular app, had 18% more songs. The most played songs worldwide, during the months studied, were Dance Monkey (Tones and I), Blinding Lights (The Weeknd), and The Box (Roddy Ricch).

This means that, regardless of whether record companies published new material or not, listeners changed their preferences more often during the pandemic, thus causing an increase in the number of songs that made the lists. Thus, the first quarter of 2019 registered 474 songs on the Top 200 list, whereas in the same period of this year, the number of hits was 557, which represents an 18% increase. This figure reveals a significant increase when compared to the 1% decrease that took place during the same period from 2018 to 2019, or the 9% increase from 2017 to 2018.

Screenshot by Monkey Dance by Tones and I.

Some links to the news on this paper: MUSIC NEWS, TIME24, La Vanguardia, and ABC.

Research paper on Network Science and Machine Learning

It has already been published our paper «Community detection based deep neural network (CD-DNN) architectures: a fully automated framework for Likert scales» in the mathematical journal Mathematical Methods in Applied Science, where we apply network community detection in order a suitable infrastructure for an Artificial Neural Network. This permits to efficiently use raw data from psychological questionnaires based on Likert scales.

Community detection and neural networks.

Special Issue «Mathematical and Computational Methods against the COVID-19 Pandemics» in Mathematics (Q1 in JCR)

Mathematics Special Issue CoVID-19

Mathematics can also contribute to the modeling of side problems to the pandemics. We point out some of them, such as data quality analysis, network medicine, healthcare services management, the physical spreading of the virus in the environment, the subsequent impact on the economy, and the social response to confinement government measures.

In any case, all the contributions and developments will be beneficial in many ways aside from coping with pandemics. Some potential topics that this Special Issue will cover, but is not limited to, are as follows: Epidemiological dynamics, diffusion modeling, compartmental and SIR type models, human dynamics, agent modeling of structured populations, network medicine, data quality, artificial intelligence and deep learning models, and data analysis of social media

Further information in https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics/special_issues/Mathematics_COVID-19 Your work is welcome!!!

PhD. Thesis presentation of Miguel E. Iglesias-Martínez

On May 8th, my PhD student Miguel E. Iglesias-Martínez presented his dissertation Development of algorithms of statistical signal processing for the detection and pattern recognition in time series. Application to the diagnosis of electrical machines and to the features extraction in actigraphy signals, supervised  Jose A. Antonino Daviu and Pedro Fdez. de Córdoba, obtaining the qualification of summa cum Claude. Congratulations for your excellent work, Miguel.

PhD Miguel E Igelsias

Diario Libre de Rep. Dominicana. Ingenieros dominicanos aportan avances en el estudio de los números primos y el triángulo de Pascal

News appeared in Diario Libre of the Dominican Republic about my joint work with my students Pedro A. Solares Hernández and Fernando A. Manzano, together with Fco. Javier Pérez Benito. In this work, we study divisibility properties of Pascal’s triangle numbers. Link to the article.

Link to the publication in the mathematical journal Mathematics, from MDPI publisher, https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/8/2/254 

Faro de Melilla: «Como levantar el confinamiento para que no se colapse la Sanidad»

Interview published on Monday April 13th in the newspaper Faro de Melilla, in which I talk about the importance of the availability of good data to make good decisions in these times of crisis. (Link to the article)Entrevista en el Faro de Melilla

Opinion article in the newspaper Levante-EMV on the International Day of Mathematics

I have written an opinion article in the newspaper Levante-EMV on the International Day of Mathematics. Here, I speak about our relation with mathematics and its presence everywhere. I also make some references to a joke of Sheldon Cooper, from The Big Bang Theory.

Maths everywhere

Invited talk at the Master’s Degree in Languages and Technology

Today I have been invited to deliver a talk at the In this talk I have briefly introduced several notions of data science, and in particular network science, in connection with linguistics. Among other things we have discussed that many structural patterns are inherent to linguistics, and are common to different languages.

Master's Degree in Languages and Technology

Among these patterns, we can find Zipf’s law, Benford’s law, and unusual frequencies of certain motifs. We have also seen a tool called SocioViz that permits to download and visualize tweets from Twitter.

Modelo matemático para evaluar el impacto energético de los recubrimientos GCover.

En este proyecto, investigadores del Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada (IUMPA) y de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (ETSA) de la UPV hemos desarrollado un modelo completo para evaluar las prestaciones de uno de los productos de la compañía como aislante térmico en la construcción. La Vanguardia y otros medios se han hecho eco de nuestro trabajo.

20200208 - GCover - La Vanguardia

Podéis leer también la noticia completa también en la página web de la UPV.

«Las Matemáticas suman en los Campus» – Entrevista en el diario Levante-EMV

La UPV va a ofertar el próximo curso dobles grados en Matemáticas con Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones e Ingeniería Civil.

El diario Levante-EMV ha publicado un reportaje al respecto, «LAS MATEMÁTICAS SUMAN EN LOS CAMPUS» en el que me entrevistan sobre la puesta en marcha de los mismos y la orientación y salidas profesionales de estos títulos. Adjunto un link a la noticia publicada y el artículo publicado Las Matemáticas Suman en los Campus.


Kick off of DaLiCo Eramus + project

I am responsible of the UPV group participating in the Erasmus + project DaLiCo (Data Literacy in Context), jointly with Nacho Despujol and Carlos Turró. Our partners are: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), University of Debrecren (ED), and the University of Applied Sciences of Utrecht (HU). We had the kick off meeting in November 7-8n 2019 in Hamburg.

Data Literacy (DL) is defined as the ability to collect, to manage also complex information, to evaluate and to apply data in a critical manner (Ridsdale 2015). This does also include smart use of digital resources. All students in advanced learning, irrespective of discipline, need to acquire this key competence that will allow them to thrive.

Our project, DaLiCo (Data Literacy in Context) will be focused on increasing the visibility, quality and usage of existing Data Literacy activities at the participating universities.

You can find a further description in https://albertoconejero.webs.upv.es/education/dalico/


DaLiCo (Data Literacy in Context) Eramus +


Here you have a summary of the project

DaLiCo – Data Literacy in Context – is focusing on increasing the visibility, quality and usage of existing Data Literacy activities at the participating universities. Subsequently, the project partners will develop collaboration and infrastructures between departments, institutions and external partners to encourage the building of a Data Literacy community for conveying Data Literacy competencies and thus, (i) contribute to a cultural change at the participating institutions regarding student’s and lecturer’s attitudes towards Data Literacy and openness, (ii) enable lecturers and students to develop custom-tailored procedures to successfully deal with data in their specific domain and (iii) significantly increase lecturer’s and student’s data competences and thus increase their academic success and qualify them for a successful career by adapting to the growing needs for Data Literacy competencies in the increasingly data driven job markets. The above mentioned objectives especially contribute to the implementation of European policies such as the Renewed EU agenda for higher education (COM(2017) 247), the Digital Education Plan (COM(2018) 22) and the New Skills Agenda for Europe (COM(2016) 381).

For ensuring that all of the ambitious objectives are achieved, the project DaLiCo develops a set of five interconnected activities. Therefore, the following distinctive Intellectual Outputs will result:

(i) Data Literacy Map – which will visualize existing competencies and personal expertise including resources, projects and good practice examples.

(ii) Train-the-Trainer concept – including training handbook, e-leaning material and teachers’ notes. Learning material will be conceptualized and designed in a way which allows a modular use. Modules will address generic Data Literacy competencies such as data culture, data ethics and critical thinking and will incorporate country specific views experiences, approaches and perspectives.

(iii) Data Literacy Learning space – concept for the relevant content and components including implementation of a Data Learning Lab.

(iv) Data Literacy measurement and assessment tool – which will assists in mapping individual existing Data Literacy skills and which will help to identify potential gaps.

(v) Pilot concept for local implementation of international Data Literacy standard – including corresponding recommendations of how to incorporate various local conditions.

ICIAM 2019, València

I have taken part in the ICIAM conference held in València. I have been involved as a member of the local committee, and also as a coorganizer of a minisymposia on Dynamical systems with applications to science and engineering. I have also delivered a talk entitled «Dynamics of the data dissemination in 5G opportunistic networks», of a joint collaboration with the Grupo de Redes de Computadores (GRC) of the UPV.

Delivering the talk: Dynamics of the data dissemination in 5G opportunistic networks» at ICIAM 2019.

I have also had the opportunity of publishing and outreach article on Mathematical Modelling in Energy Efficiency Problems, jointly with P. Fernández de Córdoba, in the Intelligencer delivered to all participants.

Inauguración Campus Científicos FECyT

J¡unto a Rafael Crespo de la UV, vengo coordinando los Campus Científicos de Verano que organizan la UPV, la UV y el CSIC en el marco del Campus de Excelencia Internacional VLC Campus. En la décima edición de este programa han venido los ministros Duque y Celaá a inaugurarlos.

Inauguración de la edición de 2019 de los Campus Científicos de Verano en Valencia.

El programa consiste en que alumnos de 4º ESO y de 1º de Bachillerato, realizan talleres en torno a las Matemáticas, la Física, la Química y la Física Médica, así como visitas a institutos de investigación y actividades transversales em torno a la ciencia.

Praktikum UPV – ¿Has probado a resolverlo con grafos?

Durante los últimos años, vengo participando en el Campus Praktikum UPV, dirigido a alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato y de Ciclos Formativos de Grados Superior. El objetivo es dar a conocer las titulaciones que imparte la UPV mediante talleres y visitas por el campus.

En particular, imparto un taller en el que se examinan algoritmos de Teoría de Grafos para la resolución de problemas de planificación de rutas. Además, se examinan como algoritmos como el de los caminos más cortos sirven para describir conjuntos de datos.

J.A. Conejero accreditated as Full Professor

Last may I have received the acreditation as Full Professor from ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación), deppending from the Spanish Ministry of Education.

It has been a long and winding road since I started my PhD on 1999, and I did not even think about this then. There have been many collaborators and supervised students that have come along with me during these years. I want to thank them for all what I have learned from them and for sharing a little of their time and their life their time with me.

As W. Churchill said: Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

CyanoFactory Consortium paper appeared on-line

I have been collaborating in the CyanoFactory project R&D project developed in response to the European Commission FP7-ENERGY-2012-1 call “Future Emerging Technologies” and the need for significant advances in both new science and technologies to convert solar energy into a fuel. The project has been coordinated by P. Linbald from Uppsala. The UPV node has been integrated by J.F. Urchueguía, D. Fuente, M. Siurana, L. Lemus, and myself.

Prototype of a cyanobacteria based fuel factory.

CyanoFactory, Design, construction and demonstration of solar biofuel production using novel (photo)synthetic cell factories, was an example of “purpose-driven” research and development with identified scientific goals and creation of new technologies. The present paper overview highlights significant outcomes of the project. It has appeared in Algal Research.

CoSki meeting at UPV

On the week of May 6th, 2019, we had a meeting of the CoSki 21 project (Core Skills for the 21st Century) at UPV. In this Eramus + project, I participate in the UPV team, jointly with J.L. Poza (coord.), M. Cabrera, A. Calduch, N. Lloret, and J.L. Posadas. During these days we have been preparing the final reports and organizing the material with the outcomes of the project.


Along the next months, all the partners are going to conduct multipliers events in which we are going to disseminate all the knowledge acquired about soft skills in the European labor market.

More information on our site project Skills4u.